Medicine is changing. Why is medicine changing? Because illness is changing. Dr Joel Evans
Modern epidemics like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, obesity and even testosterone issues are prolific on our planet — not to mention the rise of mental illness with the onset of the isolation we have all faced during Covid-19.
My education and worklife has solely been in the business world, but shortly after I hit the 50-yard line on the age marker, I experienced a health crisis that knocked me on my tail. A cascade of lifestyle events ultimately crashed my nervous system, embarking me on a wellness journey into the field of Functional Medicine that has helped me uncover strength, energy, focus, sleep and desire for living life large! I know my crisis story is one that is shared by many, asking the question “why do I feel like the shadow of the man I once was?” I am still on this journey, learning, advancing and understanding the influence my thoughts, behaviours, choices, my ways of being are the root causes to any imbalances in my system.
— Byron Shantz, Functional Medicine Coach